Adult Airway Trainer

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Our SynAtomy Adult Airway Mannequin is a realistic medical training platform ideal for teaching the techniques associated with tracheal intubation. With this trainer, students will be able to learn and master surgical techniques on biohazard-free material that looks, feels and behaves like live human tissue.


This model includes a realistic oral cavity with a hard and soft palate, tongue, uvula, epiglottis and vocal cords. The soft neck with cricocartilage allows users to perform Sellick’s maneuver to give a better view of the larynx and/or reduce gastric reflux.

Relevant Skills: Intubation and airway management exercises.

Included Components: Adult upper torso with nose, mouth, esophagus, hard and soft palate, tongue, trachea, epiglottis, larynx and a storage system.

Equipment Compatibility: Imaging equipment (Ultrasound, MRI, CT, x-ray, etc.), trachael tubes, scalpels, tenaculums, aneurysm needles, artery forceps, grooved directors, hemostatic forceps, dissecting forceps, scissors, tenotomes, tracheal dilators, ligatures, autosuturing devices, autostapling devices and catheters.

Docs: SynDaver Care and Storage Guide, Print Friendly Information Sheet

All of our products are made in the USA.

Additional information

Weight 14 lbs
Dimensions 16 × 12 × 9 in
